It's a happy and a sad day in the Sivitz household. Its a happy day because this is my (Brian's ) first blog post since we moved

out of our California house over 3 months ago. During my absence from this blog, my courageous wife has stepped up to the plate and posted many a blog despite being saddled with taking care of our young princess day after day. My list of excuses are as long as this posting will seem by the time you get done reading it, but the main one is lack of time. Sarah has done an excellent job keeping up with things, but I will point out that

she's missed a few key events. She got the move both out of California and into our house in Maryland, so she gets kudos for remembering those things. She got the cute little moments with bubbles and animals and those are the kind of posts that keeps our readership strong. She got the zoo, she got our trip to Kansas City, and she even shared the news of our expanding family. Speaking of which, we'll find out whether she's a boy or a girl at the beginning of November, so you'll need to keep reading as we get closer to that date and of course closer to the expected due date of March 1oth. Hmm, that reminds me, we'll need a new name for our blog. Check out the poll on the right and help us pick a new name for the Sivitz chronicles. So, anyway, what has Sarah missed. (Good husband disclaimer: The following statement(s) are in no way intended to belittle Sarah's blogging skills and should not be taken this way by you, your significant other, your mailman, or your dog). I think the biggest thing she missed was our trip to New York City and Mass

achussetts. We began by meeting up with Ali and Victor in New York City where we also got the opportunity to hang with Ryan, Leah, and Elle (see "Cool People with Blogs" on the right to follow their adventures). We then journeyed up to Massachussetts to meet with my parents and the extended family. It was a wonderful time and Claire got the chance to meet many of her great Aunts and Uncles, Great Grandma, Great-Grandpa, 1st Cousins once removed and her Great Aunt's dog. After we returned home from Mass., we closed on our house and began to settle in. Within the first week here, Claire became best friends with our next door neighbor Cameron and for this honor, we were all privledged eno

ugh to attend his 2nd birthday party yesterday at Gymboree. Our weekends have been a combination of shopping, Home Depot (even though the house is only 8 years old, we're still finding lots of

ways to remodel), searching out nearby hiking spots and killing stink bugs. The bugs are perhaps the biggest and

most unanticipated change with our move. The weather has thus far been quite nice but the best word to describe the bugs is amazing. For those of you non-Californians, the entire state is basically bug free. Sure your house is likely to be nearly eaten to bits by termites, but you never really see any bugs living in California. Here in Maryland, they quite literally grow the size of small vertabrates and appear to be living in and around nearly everything. The most annoying of thes bugs is the stink bug. These non-native pests have just mysteriously shown up in the mid-Atlantic region over the last couple of years and can now be found by the hundreds in the favorite house of your choice. These bugs live for 8-9 months and must breed like rabbits, or I guess maybe its better to say "breeding like StinkBugs" now. They're not annoying because they don't get in your face or bite. They don't even land on your food. Its hard to describe really, its just the sheer number of them. They're very dumb and don't move fast so even Claire could catch them if she tried, but there's just so darn many of them. Well, enough complaining, overall we're really enjoying the beautiful and family friendly Ellicott City. There's much to see and do and Money Magazine recently ranked it the 2nd best place to live in the country (only trailing Eden Prairie, MN).
You might ask why I entitled this blog "YOOKIDOOn't" and why I started by saying it was a sad day in the Sivitz household. That's because after a long and trying year, the faithful old Yookidoo has finally succumbed to all of Claire's poking, slapping, and prodding:

And I'll end this blog by giving all of you faithful, patient readers a nice preview of the Sivitz family's first Halloween in Maryland: