Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pic of the week

Hmm, I guess our little ones DO look pretty similar after all. (I initially thought Tyler looked quite different from Claire as a baby.) It's as if they're related or something!

We flew to California last week for a get-away while it was raining buckets in Maryland. Unfortunately, I came down with a sinus infection, lost my hearing for 3 days, and stayed cooped up in the hotel with the kids for part of our stay. We still got to meet up with some friends which was nice, but boy was I happy to come home! Our apologies to all the folks in the bay area that we did not have time to see. Hopefully we'll make it out there again soon, and without the sickness.

One of the highlights of our flight home (besides Claire's amazing tantrums): we got completely chewed out by a flight attendant for changing Tyler's wet diaper on the seats in our row. There weren't any changing stations in the restrooms, so we figured it would be ok to do this since we were dealing with just a wet diaper versus a poopy one, plus Tyler is a particularly fidgety infant. Apparently this was a BIG no no. The flight attendant was concerned that our baby might pee on other passengers. She said we should balance him on our lap in the bathroom and change him. So. Now you all know!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Who says I don't have help at home?

Me: "Hey Claire, do you want to feed Tyler his bottle?"
Claire: "Ok ok! I do it Mommy! No Mommy, Claire do it!"

and this is Claire feeding her brother...

How lucky are we to have such an enthusiastic big sister for our infant son? Good times.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New additions

First there was the new fridge. Then there was the new baby. Now, there is a new....drumroll...gas grill! We don't mean for this to detract from any of the baby excitement, but you gotta admit it is pretty exciting!

That's right, our deck isn't even finished yet (staining is 60% completed) but we're jumping the gun and going ahead and outfitting it. Does anybody want to come visit and do the staining for us? We'll bbq some meat for you...

Get your Tyler fix here

Friday, May 06, 2011

ah goo ah goo

Hanging out with the goal is to get a decent video of Tyler cooing. He's been "talking" up a storm lately but whenever I pull out the video camera he gets shy. I'm glad at least that his sister is willing to put on a show for the camera, otherwise these would be awfully boring clips.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Tyler at week 6

Here's a few quick shots of the past week. Tyler is still a happy, bubbly baby and we probably have Claire to thank for that as she is endlessly working to entertain him. She's been playing the harmonica and dancing circles around him! Never a quiet moment in the Sivitz household anymore.

In other news, Tyler is now the size of Claire's puppy doll, whom she has aptly named "doggy".