Blizzard photos anyone? Yes please! But first a pic of our blizzard preparedness state:

See, we were ready for all the snow! While the snow was coming down Brian went out and shoveled
at least three times.

Claire and I cheered on Brian while we enjoyed the warm indoors.

Brian also obsessively shoveled our deck over and over again.

We helped out our winged friends, don't worry.

Here is what the backyard looked like.

Brian also obsessively shoveled our deck over and over again.

We helped out our winged friends, don't worry.

Here is what the backyard looked like.
Only one time did Brian give up on the driveway and come in for a rest break.
When the snow stopped falling, it was time to get our snow gear on. Tyler accidently put on my snow pants, causing some confusion.
Then it was time to go outside and sink into the snow.
The next morning we spied some deer under our neighbor's deck. It looked like they had slept there over night.
Time to go sledding!
Oh right, we have to tromp through all of this to get to the sledding hill...
30 minutes later we got to the hill.
We actually had three days of sledding before a plow came to our cul de sac! Here is the view of our street from upstairs. Now only time will tell if we get to do another blogpost about snow play.