Yesterday was a big day for the Sivitz family. Yesterday we went to the Mazda dealer and traded in our old trusted Madza Protege 5 for a Mazda 5.

Based on the name you'd think we got the same car and just dropped the "Protege" part, whatever that is. But in actuality we bought a Minvan. Yep, we're officially a family. We went to the dealer looking for a slightly bigger car but deadset against getting an minivan. I apoligize in advance to all you minivan lovers out there, but we just couldn't imagine owning a minvan.. Its like admitting we're old and that our job in life is to cart around all of Claire's stuff. But... we've been in denial too long. We are old and our job is to cart around Claire's stuff so the minivan just seemed like the right approach. Besides, this isn't your typical minivan. It drives like a small car and has the same engine as our smaller Mazda 3. Its actually the smallest and most fuel efficient of all the minvans on the market and although this is just another step in the denial process, its technically

a "microvan" (Source: Consumer Reports... look it up if you don't believe us).. . Anyway, our sweet new ride is brillant black in color has two rear sliding doors and a hatchback. I also discovered today that its big enough to fit a 10 foot piece of wood straight in with all the windows closed.
Another thing worth mentioning is how hard it was for us to part with the old car. We've had our Protege 5, whom we call Darryl, for nearly 7 and a half years and have driven it nearly 132,000 miles. When we left the dealer we somehow felt as if a member of our family had been left behind and were quite sad that Claire would never remember the first car eith

er of us had owned. Oh well, at least we got photos of Claire at the dealership with the old car. FYI, the two cars we currently have our named "OBD" (our Mazda 3) and "BBD" (our Mazda 5). If you don't know already, feel free to guess what the acronyms stand for.