Thursday, July 16, 2009

Group Hug

I have spent the whole day wondering what to post on the blog and didn't come up with anything until Brian came home from work. The first thing he does is scoop up the baby and plant a kiss on her cheek, and she's all smiles. This always makes my day and I just stand back and get that warm fuzzy feeling. But today, Claire changed it up a bit. As Daddy was holding her, she turned to look at me and reached an arm out toward me. I came up close to her and she put her arm around my shoulder so we had a group hug going! We were all giggles! I grabbed the camera and took one of those candid shots that we used to do of just me and Brian. It's so much better now that there's three of us!


Christine said...

And you all match! How cute!

Jim, Trish and Madelyn said...

I loved reading this put a big smile on my face!


Jennifer said...

What a great smile! I can't believe Claire is already 6 months old....she's almost caught up with Thomas! And a happy belated b-day to Brian from all of us!

LSullCliff said...

You're all so cute. I think you should wear those outfits to the St. Patricks Day Parade in MA next March. Then you can add another state to Claire's list!
Happy Belated Brian :)