Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mouse Invasion

Just the other day,

A day like any day,

We got our family together, and we went outside to play,

Bright and sunny was the sky and and on a blanket we did lay,

Butterflies were flying, just like butterflies will do,

Some of them were purple, some were green, and some were blue,

After turing her attention from the yard and to the house,

Mommy felt a gentle tug, gently tugging on her blouse,

And when she looked our Claire was gone, and in her place there was a mouse!

When we came inside we got to bang upon some keys,
Instead of learning letters she was learning her C,D,E,F,G,A,B's,
She likes to make silly noises and thinks its all the rage,
And if you look really close, you'll even see her turn the page:


Karen said...
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Karen said...

I loved watching Claire play the piano. It is interesting that she seemed to follow Brian's instructions. I thought for sure she would pull the music down, not turn the page. Way to go, Claire!