Our daughter is only 8 months old and unfortunately for us has figured out how to manipulate her parents. The best example is sleeping. Whenever we put her down she cries immediately. Pick her up and she stops crying immediately. Put her back down and she cries again. She's even started to raise her hands and sit up and look cute to show us that she's not ready for bed. The first question you might have is whether we're simply trying to put her to bed too early? Seems logical, but we've now conducted a scientific experiment to prove otherwise. For the last 7 consecutive nights we've tried to put her down at various times starting around 8pm and every 15 minutes after that until she falls asleep. Each time we put her down she cries and we stupidly believe she's just not ready for bed yet. I mean, an 8 month old doesn't have the capacity to manipulate us yet right? Wrong... she's figured us out. If she cries, we pick her back up and this means she gets to stay up as late ast 10pm. Last night she even tried to test us out at 2am. She started crying so we went in to check on her. She was okay, so we left her. Long story short, after an hour or so of crying we finally won out by shutting off the baby monitor so we couldn't hear her and she eventually fell asleep. We sure showed her. It truly is a great feeling when you make the concious decision to put your foot down and ignore your crying baby. We'll try it again tonight if she cries since she went to bed on her own at 7pm. Wait... 7pm? Yes 7pm and with no fuss at all. And yet another sign that she is manipulating us because she was home with a babysitter and I guess she just figured she's never cried and made the babysitter apperar so she might as well sleep. All of this makes me worry about what she will be like as a teenager...
Some other family news..
It appears that Sarah is actually an Angel. Here is proof from our hike today at Long Ridge along Skyline boulevard:

Brian is still weird and likes to pretend to eat random objects just to show off for the camera. And as you can see from the picture, Claire is just bored with his immaturity.

Claire has already gotten bored with crawling and has quickly moved on to the next step and is trying to pull her self up to standing on any object she can find:

And today's trivia question... Can you find Claire in the picture below? (Hint: She is wearing purple)