Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Under the weather but still truckin'

Poor Claire has a stomach bug (we think -- no fever but some vomiting) so she and mommy are staying home today. We saw a very unhelpful pediatrician on Monday when Claire was uncharacteristically lethargic, who said that it could be a cold, the hot weather, stomach bug, teething, growth spurt, or any combination of the above. Way to narrow it down! Anyway, Claire has more energy lately so we've shot a couple of videos. She's also working very hard on pulling up to a kneeling position today. For a "sick" baby she's awfully active.

Sasha has been hitting up Claire for attention, and Claire is more than happy to oblige. She pets Sasha and as you can see, also grabs her tail on occasion. I don't think she is yanking very hard because Sasha seems oblivious.

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