Saturday, February 06, 2010

Dancing Blue Man

Today a little blue man showed up at our doorstep (Thanks David and Leila). He claims that his name is Iggle Piggle and that he has a famous TV show, but we think that he is more than likely a spy coming to steal our best kept family secrets. You know, things like what time Claire goes to bed, how many diapers she wears a day, and how many decibels is her average scream. This type of information in the wrong hands could easily lead to a global meltdown larger than the latest financial crisis. This is why we were glad to see that Claire took matters into her own hands and showed Iggle Piggle whose the boss of the house. See below:

1 comment:

Karen said...

Igglepiggle is such a cute teddy. Can you only buy it in England? Of course, Claire is just adorable dancing with it.