Sunday, July 11, 2010

Uh-Oh the Dairy-O

Claire has been using "words" for a couple of months but these "words" aren't usually reconizable to people that aren't her parents. That is not the case anymore, her vocabulary has exploded a million-fold and she nows speaks over 100 recognizable words everday.. Ok, that's not exactly true. Its true that she speaks over 100 reconizable words everyday, it just happens its the same work over and over and over. So I guess you can say that her official first word is none other than "Uh-Oh". At first she'd use it when she dropped something on the floor. Then she started periodically using it when she pooped her pants. (Unfortunately she still doesn't reliably tell us when she soils her undies, but we're working on it). But now she's got a whole new game and although it does show some creativity and intelligence, she's still not smart enough to know that saying "Uh-Oh" and THEN throwing something on the floor is a sure sign that she's doing it on purpose. It was cute at first and is only kind of cute now.

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