Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Grandma Karen and Grandpa Bill's Visit (Part 2)

While Grandma and Grandpa were visiting we went hiking in nearby Patapsco State Park. Hiking with Claire can be a real test of patience since she has to stop every 30 seconds and pick up rocks or leaves. We finished a whole 2 miles of trail despite this, and Claire was even doing the navigating:

A couple more photos from the weekend:

We dug out an old witch hat and Claire played with it all weekend. It's quite becoming on her!

Here she is rooting for the Hawkeyes with Grandpa. Claire misses Grandma and Grandpa already and we hope they come back to visit soon!

1 comment:

Ray said...

Hi Sarah,
It is so fun watching Claire grow. I'm glad you told me about your blog, so I can see your family. By the way, congrats on baby #2.
I had my hip replaced then broke the same leg (femur). I'm still wearing a brace (another 6 weeks) but am doing well over all. I can't wait until this is all over. My neck is doing well - I'm still doing my exercises, and I still love my "roller."
Hugs to you and yours!!!