Monday, February 07, 2011


Claire has been 2 years old for just over a week now. Is it my imagination or during this past week has our daughter been more pushy? The other day when Daddy told her it was time to put her coat on (as we were leaving a restaurant), Claire yelled "no daddy no daddy!" and pushed him away. Since he persisted, she proceeded to snatch her coat away from him and throw it onto the floor! Both Daddy and I had to work very hard not to laugh, because it was clear she wanted to be taken seriously. It reminded me of all the times when I've yelled in an attempt to be taken seriously by my husband, who pleads "I didn't know you really meant it" when I know we've discussed the issue before. So is this a girl thing or a terrible-twos thing? Probably doesn't matter in the end, but it would be nice to know that Claire will someday grow out of it!

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