Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Warm and sunny in November

We may have had our last warm weather weekend, and we made it a good one! We ventured out to see the Great Falls of the Potomac River, just northwest of Washington DC. It lives up to its name, being much bigger than I had imagined. We enjoyed the overlooks and river-view hiking then we headed into town and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring Georgetown. There's a nice walk along the old C&O canal where you can get away from all the congested sidewalks full of shoppers. We discovered a playground nestled in the neighborhood also, which was just what we needed after dessert and coffee at Dean & Deluca. Actually no, that wasn't the perfect end to our day. What made it perfect was Claire's successful potty stop at a store on our way back to the car! (I don't want to jinx us but she wore underpants and used toilets full-time all weekend. We're so proud of her!) No wait, that wasn't the perfecting ending either.  What was REALLY perfect was enjoying a great bottle of wine and skyping with family after the kids hit the sack early. Yeah.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


We really did try to coach Claire on how to say it correctly, but she is stuck on the "f" sound versus the "t".  Plus after hearing the "trick or treat, smell my feet...(and so on)" jingle she quickly shortened it to her favorite parts so all we heard all day was "frick-or-freat underwear!"

Claire helped me decorate our driveway and porch while Tyler was napping.

Then we painted pumpkins.

Frick-or-freating got underway promptly at 6!

Claire's buddy, Cameron, joined us for the festivities.

Here's Claire with her spoils at the end of the night.  She hit up about 15 houses, which is double what she did last year.

Tyler "helped" Mommy hand out candy at home.  That means he was tireless in his mission to grab the candy basket!