Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Warm and sunny in November

We may have had our last warm weather weekend, and we made it a good one! We ventured out to see the Great Falls of the Potomac River, just northwest of Washington DC. It lives up to its name, being much bigger than I had imagined. We enjoyed the overlooks and river-view hiking then we headed into town and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring Georgetown. There's a nice walk along the old C&O canal where you can get away from all the congested sidewalks full of shoppers. We discovered a playground nestled in the neighborhood also, which was just what we needed after dessert and coffee at Dean & Deluca. Actually no, that wasn't the perfect end to our day. What made it perfect was Claire's successful potty stop at a store on our way back to the car! (I don't want to jinx us but she wore underpants and used toilets full-time all weekend. We're so proud of her!) No wait, that wasn't the perfecting ending either.  What was REALLY perfect was enjoying a great bottle of wine and skyping with family after the kids hit the sack early. Yeah.

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