Thursday, May 17, 2012

Don't make mom-bird go away!

This morning as I was dead-heading the pansies in our hanging planters, I kept hearing a little cheep cheep sound which I just knew was a baby robin.  I glanced around in the nearby trees to find the nest, but then a movement caught my eye and I realized I was face-to-face with the baby robin right there in the planter!  Needless to say I stopped what I was doing and skidaddled off the deck so mama bird would not be distressed.  Claire and I kept an eye on the chick all morning.  We finally spied mama bird returning to feed her hungry chick, and I got this lucky shot:

We sure hope he/she makes it!  I can't say it's the safest place to nest, considering there isn't much of a lip around the edge.  Claire was very concerned about baby bird, and she warned me "don't make mom-bird go away!"  I was the least of her worries.  Tyler was the one banging on the window in his excitement at spotting the robin up close.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

More springtime magic

Usually my posts are all about the kids and our family outings, but I'm going to break from my norm and share some photos of our irises.  The blooms are incredible this spring!  We're so lucky to have these treasures in our gardens (I did none of the planting).  I smile whenever I see them, and I hope they cheer you up too. 

Oh wait, that wasn't an iris photo.  (I just can't help myself.  Tyler was touring the garden with us as I took these shots.)