Friday, September 28, 2012

Let's not talk about last weekend

Sooooooo Mommy sort of wrecked her road bike and the roof rack on the minivan last weekend. I know I said I wasn't going to talk about it, but I just changed my mind. I do that sometimes. Actually, I do it EVERY time I order a meal at a restaurant now that I think about it.  We peruse the menu and Brian asks me "what are you going to get?" and I will say "the salmon" and then promptly order the burger and fries when the waiter arrives 30 seconds later. When I am torn about making a decision I always find that it is easier if I am under pressure.

Alas, I was so tired after our family bike trip on Sunday, I completely forgot that there was a decision to be made about whether or not to drive the minivan into the garage. I just went ahead and did it. Then I felt the pressure! Let's just say it was a tense afternoon as Brian attempted to repair the garage, dismantle the roof rack, and assess damages.

But enough about that! I'd rather tell you about the previous weekend, when we went to the renaissance festival near Annapolis. A much happier tale. All the costumes and decor were right up Claire's alley. She insisted on wearing her fairy wings and her fanciest dress. We participated in the children's storytime show, watched a jousting tournament, and enjoyed live music and dancing. I apologize that there aren't any pictures of Tyler! He was quite content to chill in his stroller for most of the afternoon.

No, that's not red lipstick. Claire got a red snowcone as a treat. I'm sure it was made according to the authentic medieval recipe.

It was a wonderful afternoon!  I really want to dress up for the festival one of these years. What will I be? I'm sure that it will end up being a last minute decision.

1 comment:

The Count Del Monte said...

Speechless. Not about the car / garage accident. The renaissance festival. I have no doubt it was ammmmmmaaaaaaaazing. But I always thought those festivals existed only in the minds of television or comedy writers, to be trotted out in their scripts any time they wanted to get a cheap, easy laugh out of the viewing audience. Now you're telling me these things really, truly exist! And that you've been to one! Oh please oh please tell me more. Were there midgets? Jousting? Of course there was jousting. Mead? Did you wear your own costume or rent one when you got there? How about a sword? Did you bring your own sword? I did some Internet research and found that the New York Renaissance Faire (that's, like, old-time spelling of fair) lets you bring your own sword. From the FAQs on the website:
Q: Can I wear a sword or dagger with my costume?
A: Yes! As long as they are "peace-tied." This means they are sheathed in such a manner as to make them unable to draw. You can use rope, ribbon, leather or other means. Our security personnel will check the weapons at the gate and will assist you if you need help with this."
So not only can you bring your own's practically encouraged. Yes!