Thursday, January 31, 2013

Claire is 4!

A lot has happened since my last post. Instead of trying to fill you in, I'm just going to pretend that I was in a time warp and that my last post was yesterday. Our latest big event was Claire's 4th birthday party last weekend. Here's our birthday girl at her special butterfly-themed party at Robinson Nature Center:

We were awfully lucky that a friend volunteered to do face painting at the party.

The kids decorated butterfly wings to take home with them.

Everybody got to wear monarch butterfly wings and "fly" around the nature center.

There was a naturalist-led program to teach the kids about a caterpillar's metamorphosis.


And of course we had to have a butterfly cake!

Claire was concerned by her proximity to the candles.

And of course little bro was there, to help devour cupcakes.

Claire is so proud to be a big 4 year old. That doesn't mean she has any idea what it means though. The other day I overheard her telling someone that Tyler was 14 years old, and that he was her little brother. I need to ask her how old I am.  It might work out in my favor!

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