Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Tyler!

Tyler is a big two year-old now! We hosted a small Thomas the Tank Engine themed party at our house yesterday in his honor. Brian attempted to dress up as Sir Topham Hatt for the occasion, but he really just confused everyone. Tyler's cousin, Alex, asked me "Why is Uncle Brian dressed up as Abraham Lincoln?" I agreed with him that Brian can pull off an excellent Lincoln.

We cooked up a huge pot of spaghetti for everyone to enjoy. Tyler had worked up an appetite running and jumping and screaming with his friends.


The little guy blew out his "2" candle and dug into his cupcake so fast I barely had time to get the paper off.

Claire told me I had done a good job with the decorations. She was very helpful, particularly with helping her brother open his presents.

Brian ditched the Sir Topham Hatt costume after a while, just so he could get down and have some REAL fun.

Tyler received his first outdoor grill from his cousins! He helped his father assemble it. He used his new yellow power drill like a pro.

I suppose I should now lament the fact that my baby is already 2 years old. Seriously though, he is just as cute and smiley as he was at 2 months old! I am excited to see what our little man has in store for us in his third year.

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