Sunday, February 02, 2014

Rapunzel Party

Claire is officially 5 years old! She chose to have a Rapunzel-themed party, and we did it at the local dance studio so we wouldn't have the mess at home. Claire was all smiles during the special dance class, which made my day. Afterwards she told me she had loved her party. Yes!
Tyler refused to participate in the girly dance class.

A good friend made Claire's spectacular cake.

Here's the birthday girl, prancing around on "Maximus":

The party was a blast for all of the little dancers. Our favors were watercolor sets, sidewalk chalk, and Rapunzel coloring pages (bummer, no photo!). I asked Claire what she wants to be when she grows up and she said "a princess!"

1 comment:

The Count Del Monte said...

Happy belated birthday, Claire! Don't let anyone tell you that becoming a princess is an unattainable goal. Remember..."If you keep on believing...the dream that you wish will come true."