Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Let's Go O's

It's officially spring here, and that means it's time for baseball! We needed a break from mulching our gardens so we headed off to the Oriole's game on Sunday. Brian and I probably only got to see one or two innings of the game. Most of the time we were at the Kid's Zone, in line for the potties, or in line for food. But we did see two back-to-back O's homeruns!

Yes, we have branched out and become Orioles and Nationals fans, but our kids know that the Cardinals are our #1 team! So don't worry, all you St. Louis friends.

Tyler was more interested in his lemonade than the mascot.

We need another picture of Tyler eating junk food:

This is how Claire poses for pictures now -- she strikes a pose literally. I gave it a try too.

On the lightrail after the game...

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