Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Ice is nice

We splurged this weekend and went to the Gaylord National Resort for a mini getaway. The Frosty the Snowman ICE exhibit was pretty impressive. Most impressive was the frosty temperature of 9 degrees inside the exhibit tent. It took 30 minutes to walk through the exhibit and by then we were ready for the balmy 40 degrees outside.

The Gaylord Resort does a great water fountain show synchronized to Christmas tunes, a light show, and even snow!

Tyler was hot in this next photo. When you're hot you take off your clothes, duh.

The hotel's atrium is really something.

We were lucky to have a room with an atrium view!

There was a little train ride in the atrium too, because the fountain, restaurants, shops, humongous Christmas tree, and Santa were not enough.

Of course we had to see the man! Tyler was not exactly thrilled, but he REALLY needed to tell Santa that he wants a Lightning McQueen car. (Let's ignore the fact that he has some 10 different Lightning McQueens already.) So he sat next to Santa awkwardly and softly muttered his request. Then it was Claire's turn and she of course had no problem describing her requests in extreme detail.

1 comment:

The Count Del Monte said...

Joyous adventures!