Thursday, September 10, 2015


Holy mackerel that was a fast summer. Technically I guess it is still summer, but I see a cool-off ahead in our forecast so I'm calling it. Here's the summary of our past few months:
1. Sprinkler time. Lots of it.

2.  Swimming in the bay. Who cares if the water is brown? We like the low key "waves".

3. Rooting for the O's.

4. Trip to Iowa to see both sets of grandparents.

5. Brian elegantly celebrated another birthday.

6. Pool time. When the water wasn't too cold for my picky swimmers.

7. Indoor playtime. These kids love playing quietly at home. I love them for that.

8. Washington DC excursions. This one was a the National Building Museum.

9. Goat exposure. We love goats. This cute one resides at the Baltimore zoo.

10. Staying up too late at the county fair.

11. Hitting the nearby amusement parks.

12. Catskills vacation.

13. Dragging the kids to historic home tours. We enjoy a challenge.

14. Claire started 1st grade! Tyler started pre-K!

15. And peaches. Eat them and be happy.

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