Claire is now 6 days old and we've been home from the hospital for 4 of those 6 days. Things are changing rapidly. Mom is changing rapidly into a feeding machine. I think Sarah's father put it best when Claire was crying in the living room and Sarah was sleeping in her bed. After we couldn't get the baby to stop crying I went and got Sarah from the bedroom and upon showing up in the living room, her father said to me "Oh, I see you've brought the food". The baby is also changing rapidly. At first it was just the fact that she would open her eyes or cry at different pitches, but now she is even lifting her head up a bit and with her eyes open she even gives us the appearance that she is looking at us when we speak to her. This is undoubtedly not true though as all the baby books (there are a lot of them) say that the baby can't focus more than 6 inches away when they are first born. However, I have a hard time believing that anyone could prove that. Anyway, the most rapid changes that have occured since the baby was born is the baby's fecal matter. Often referred to as poopy, dung, #2, or taking a dump by others, we have seen her fecal matter change from a very dark green tar-like substance (the mecconium stool) to a very bright yellow runny substance. The best way to describe it is that when she was f
irst born it was as if she was excreeeting a darker version of Slimer's (from Ghostbusters) goo and is now excreeting Cottage Cheese that has been mixed with curry powder. As the fecal matter has changed, I too have changed. The first time I saw her poop sitting in her pants I was disgusted and scared. It looked like such a mess I thought there is no way I'd ever be able to clean it up. I quickly realized there wasn't a smell and settled in for an extensive wiping session which constited of me using nearly an entire package of baby wipes. Since then I have gotten used to the sites and sounds associated with my daughter's movements and I can even boast on several occasions being able to fully clean her up with one single baby wipe. The one thing I still haven't gotten used to is the fact that she often, very often actually, will go to the bathroom while I'm changing her. This includes both #1 and #2 and sometimes these occur simultaneously. After a day or two of letting the extra matter escape onto the surface I was changing her on, I thought I'd gotten a bit smart, the quicker I did it, the less likely she'd be able to go again. This worked, but she inevitably would go in another 5 minutes or so. Then I decided that my haste wa
s making more waste and I started cleaning her diaper slowly. I'd wipe her up, but I took my time putting on the new diaper. This proved effective as she soiled her already soiled diaper and I didn't have to change her again immediately. Alas, I had outsmarted the baby... Or not. I think Claire quickly adapted to my new scheme and did something I never thought was possible. 3 consecutive dumps. 2 in her old diaper (since I was waiting) and one in her new. I guess you can't outsmart a newborn.
I'll let others comment on this dirty subject.
Ha Ha. I laughed, I cringed, I thanked the stars that it is not me doing that! But even with all this poopy talk, she is still super cute! And she is wearing the Stawberry hat!
I can't wait to read your blog once Claire starts eating solid foods! You will surely be amazed at all the new colors, textures and smells she'll start producing.
She is so beautiful (despite the poopy stories).
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