Monday, February 09, 2009


I've had the priviledge over the years to experience children of many different ages making projectiles. I've seen a nine year old make a very nice paper airplane and use it as a projectile, I've seen countless two year olds throw food across the room just to spite their parents or to draw some attention to themselves. I've also seen babies vomit up perfectly good milk just after their mother went through all the work to "prepare" it. However, I wouldn't generally call this type of vomit a projectile. Most of the time a little bit will dribble out onto the shirt of an unexpecting parent or onto a nearby cuddly blanket. Just last night I had my first experience with baby projectile vomit. Claire, Sarah, and I were sitting on the couch enjoying a nice "quiet" evening. (Quiet, means the TV was off, but we had to yell to hear each other over the sound of our screaming banshee.) Claire had just finished her dinner and as she always does after dining on mother's milk, she had a drugged look in her eye. Then without warning she vomitted. Projectile vomitted. It must have gone about a two feet. Two feet is a long way for a 9 day old baby. Two feet is the entire length of her body. She completed missed the burp rag and the vomit landed directly on my shirt. A few years ago this would have disgusted me, but as a father it makes me proud. I look at this as an opportunity to rave at how wonderful my daughter is and to brag to the world that she can vomit with the best of them.

3 Generations of Sivitzs


Karen said...

I do see that daze look in your second photo. I just heard recently that two children were alergic to their mother's milk. This was hard for me to believe.

Hope this phenomenon you are blogging about doesn't happen too often to Claire.

Yusing said...

I was allergic to milk from the moment I was born. But fret not, I don't think Claire is allergic to milk. Projectile vomiting is the OK way to expel one's milk.

P.S. I think you should check into the Guiness Book of World Records. They have wierd records in there, so perhaps Claire should be submitted for her extraordinary feats.

Unknown said...

Wait til she starts burping...on purpose...and says "Do you want to hear me burp the alphabet?"