Sunday, May 17, 2009

Claire in her "pool"

It was another hot day in the 90's so we ventured out and bought a toddler-tub for Claire, which we could double as a "pool". We didn't know what to expect when we put her in the cold hose-water, and she pleasantly surprised us by not screaming. In fact, she seemed to enjoy the experience, especially when we put her in a reclined position so she could kick. Unfortunately we didn't get a video of all the kicking as water was splashing everywhere. Plus the kicking was, for the most part, a result of Claire being naked at the end of her bath and she revelled in the freedom. (No naked video in case she sees this when she is a teenager.) Anyway here's a couple of videos of her initially getting the feel for the situation. I think she was a little confused by the concept of taking a bath with clothes on, in cold water, outside on the lawn. Hence, she was awfully quiet for once!

I'm sure you are all curious about one thing: No, she did not go to the bathroom during her pool experience. We lucked out!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I see that Claire now tracks objects with her eyes and pulls them into her mouth. Great videos.