Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's time for a photo update!

Claire's latest trick is getting pulled up to sitting and then staying there unsupported for a few seconds. She REALLY likes this. I can't tell you how often she yells for someone to assist her into sitting so she can look around and drool.

As far as fashion goes, I think we may be pushing it with these little baby head-bands. Somehow on Claire they just look like mini sweat-bands. Maybe it's all that hair shooting out in all directions.

Tummy time is getting better and better for Claire. She is reaching for toys in this position now, and staying for 10-15 minutes so long as there is something entertaining to watch (like mommy watering the garden and dodging the bees).

This is Claire's "gym", where she admires herself in the mirror and pets the toys hanging above her. She surprises us sometimes by rolling onto her side or scooting up with her legs. For the most part however she is in the cute babydoll stage where she stays where ever you put her.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love the headband. It makes her look so cute. I just want to kiss her. The sitting pose reminds me of a kimono for some reason. She is getting more adorable every day.