Somebody's teething! We're thinking that her "cold" symptoms earlier this week may have been related to teething. Claire is starting to enjoy gnawing on her cold toys. She is able to hold them in her mouth and free up her hands for other things.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Some Month 4 Photos
Somebody's teething! We're thinking that her "cold" symptoms earlier this week may have been related to teething. Claire is starting to enjoy gnawing on her cold toys. She is able to hold them in her mouth and free up her hands for other things.
Rockin' and Rolling
We can't put Claire down on her back anymore. She immediately rolls onto her tummy! It's getting a little tricky to change her diapers and clothes because of this. We are actually going to get to start using the seat-belt on the changing table soon.
In other news although we live in the Bay Area, Yusing does not. He won the Bridge contest from the earlier post and therefore gets two free sentences on the blog post. We were expecting something a little easier to work into an everyday posting but Yusing decided to submit something hard to take out of context. Since it's his two free sentences (for everyone else its $1 a sentence) he's entitled to say what he wants. He says:
"Friends keep encouraging me to move back to the Bay Area, but without a job, it's difficult. I'm hoping a lucrative "manny" job opens up in the Sivitz household, just like Brittany Spears' household."
Our retort to this statement is move back to the Bay Area! It just so happens that we're not getting many applications for our "manny" job. Not sure why, we're offering unlimited free sentences on the blog AND the priviledge of looking after one of the world's premier experts on drooling, fist-eating, and rolling!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Bring on the Snot

Sunday, June 07, 2009
The old tub has left the building
Friday, June 05, 2009
Guess and Win 2
This is NOT the Golden Gate bridge. Do you know which bridge it is?
The winner's get 2 free sentences in the next blog post.
(The DRs. Juliens are not allowed to guess)Thursday, June 04, 2009
Site Under Construction
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Poor Kitty!
Sasha had a minor surgery on Tuesday to remove a quarter-sized lump on her back. We just feel awful for her, but 24 hours later she's acting like nothing happened. She is aware of the bald spot however and keeps trying to groom her fur around it in a "comb-over" style. This was the first time we've ever seen her coming out of anesthesia and it was scary! She was extremely aggressive and would NOT get into her pet carrier until mommy came back there and pet her. I thought she was going to bite my hand off based on how she was attacking the cage door, but fortunately she recognized my smell and my hand is still attached. We'll get the pathology results in one week.