Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Poor Kitty!

Sasha had a minor surgery on Tuesday to remove a quarter-sized lump on her back. We just feel awful for her, but 24 hours later she's acting like nothing happened. She is aware of the bald spot however and keeps trying to groom her fur around it in a "comb-over" style. This was the first time we've ever seen her coming out of anesthesia and it was scary! She was extremely aggressive and would NOT get into her pet carrier until mommy came back there and pet her. I thought she was going to bite my hand off based on how she was attacking the cage door, but fortunately she recognized my smell and my hand is still attached. We'll get the pathology results in one week.
Claire is such a big girl now, she gets to ride in a back-pack
on our hikes! We went on a short hike over the weekend and she seemed to really enjoy her new vantage point. She even napped for a good half hour with her head completely lolled over to the side. At four months old, she is such a happy gal and always smiling. We're having a ton of fun making goofy faces and noises at her, just to get a laugh. Claire weighed in at 14 lbs 11 oz, and 24.5 inches long at her doctor's visit last week. She did fine with the round of shots, and we feel lucky that she did not have a fever or any fussiness afterwards. Claire must be going through a bit of a growth spurt because she's now waking up starving during the night. This doesn't surprise us because she has been more active during the day, sitting, standing, grabbing toys, even talking to herself in the car.
Don't be fooled by the following photos...Claire does not know how to read yet, and she is not crawling yet. She just pretends to do these things to the best of her abilities. On her tummy, she picks up all four limbs and flails them around madly. Alas, this gets her nowhere but it's a heck of a workout! And if you hand her one of her books, she appears to be trying to turn the pages. I doubt that she actually knows what she is doing but it's pretty cute to see how hard she is concentrating, as if she really is reading.


Christine said...

Tim's a bit offended that you didn't travel to TX for Sasha's surgery...

Karen said...

I think, now that Claire is more aware of her surroundings, she has gotten cuter. Just look at that adorable smile and facial expressions.