Sunday, June 07, 2009

The old tub has left the building

Wow, we have great neighbors. One of them, a man named Bob who is in his seventies, cheerfully volunteered to help us remove our old bath tub yesterday. He marched right over, strapped the 200+ lb tub to his dolly, and rolled it right out! We don't know what we would have done without him. We got the new tub in place ourselves, as it was considerably lighter. Many thanks, Bob!

Brian is making excellent progress on the guest bathroom remodel job. He has put in the ceiling drywall, wiring for new lights and a fan, and new water valves. Claire will be taking a bath in there in no time! While Daddy is busy working in the bathroom, she and I have been pruning all the plants in the gardens. Technically Claire just sits in her bumbo and plays with toys while Mommy does all the pruning. But it's work to her!

This weekend we hiked at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, again carrying Claire in the back pack. There were lots of redwoods as the name suggests but also some great big ponderosa pines to our surprise, at the observation deck. For all you locals, it's a great time to hike in the redwood forests because the rhododendrons are blooming and the creeks are flowing. Claire stared at the trees as usual and fought a nap to the best of her abilities. (Fortunately she caved and napped on the way home.) Brian found a four-leaf clover! Can you see it in the photo?

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