Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Swinging - as written by Claire

Mommy took me to the park. I got to use the little girl swings. Big kids use the big kid swings. I like watching big kids Swing. I enjoy being on the little Swings but one day I'll be big enough to use the big kid swings. It is the best when mommy pushes me because I like being close to Mommy. I am new to Swinging so I mostly keep my arms held tight to the swing.

Sometimes I feel brave and I reach my arms out wide and I like to squeal like a delighted piglet. At the park there are sometimes little kids like me, but they are not as fun to watch as the big kids. The little kids just lie and cry. I want to learn to become a big kid so I practice getting into a crawling position and rocking vigorously back and forth. It makes me tired. But I like to take naps too..

At the park I also like the tetter totter. Even though I am not a totter yet and I don't know what teeter means I think it is fun and mommy holds me if she puts me on it. I hope to someday teeter and totter on my own.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Don't you wish everyone in the world smiled as much as Claire?