Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Growing Pains

When Claire was 3 months old she and I went to a few "mommy and baby" yoga classes. After the classes all of the mommies and babies would sit in a circle and we'd share little anecdotes with the group. I remember one of the mothers crying in despair over the fact that her baby girl was growing up too fast and she wanted her daughter to stay just as she was at 9 months old. At the time I was thinking "geez somebody's feeling hormonal". But now I must admit that I completely understand! Everyday I find myself telling Claire how much I'm going to miss her at this age, and getting teary-eyed. It's got alot to do with how cute she looks standing in her crib lately, all proud and smiling. She definitely has a sense of accomplishment and we can't help but get excited too, even if she should be napping instead of pulling up to standing. I never want to forget this!

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