Thursday, October 01, 2009

Thursdays are back!

I've decided to go back to working 3 days a week (instead of 4) at least until Claire is a year old at the end of January. For our blog readers, this will likely mean more posts for you to enjoy! For me it means more time with Claire and more time for exercising and cooking. (You don't even want to know how often we've eaten Taco Bell in the past couple of months) I feel VERY lucky to be able to do this and have my awesome husband to thank for this extra time! He really is amazing you know. I think he has a superman cape hidden underneath his work attire.
This week we have been working on getting Claire to return to her old sleeping routine. It took a few AWFUL nights of screaming before she started sleeping through the night again but I think we're back on track. (It is so hard to listen to her scream in the other room!) I'm not going to prematurely declare victory yet though...
Claire is relying on her teething rings alot lately, for pain relief and for entertainment. It goes like this: teether in the mouth, teether banged the floor, teether in the mouth, teether banged on Sasha's head, teether in the mouth, teether banged on the coffee table, etc. I am so impressed with Sasha's patience. She gets bopped on the head and she does nothing.

Now don't freak out, but here is a photo of something other than Claire! I'm experimenting with a succulent garden, since everything else that I have planted in this pot has expired. It looks cute and still green so far.

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