We did all our Halloween festivities on Friday, and it was a good thing too because Mommy came down with a cold/flu that knocked her off her feet on Saturday. So unfortunately, no trick-or-treating for little Claire! Booooo...but here is a photo of the 3 of us on Friday at my work, where the costume theme was the 80's:

Brian brought Claire to his work and they the won "most original" costume prize. In case you can't tell in the picture, Brian is a banana tree. Anyway, yesterday I was in bed all day with a low fever, and Daddy and Claire handed out all the candy to trick-or-treaters. Today I am feeling better (at least I'm walking around the house), and certainly Claire's cute antics are helping. She helped Daddy with the laundry this morning:

Then she played in her room, dressed up as tinkerbell:

We had our cheerios snacktime in the backyard on a picnic blanket too. She and Daddy are napping right now...they're both getting over a cough, so none of us are feeling 100%! Hopefully next weekend will be better.