Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just give me the bottle I'll take it from there

Lately Claire's been taking matter into her own hands...at least when it comes to her bottle feedings. Brian and I find it remarkable that she can hold her bottle with one hand and whip it around as she pleases. At first we thought maybe her hand was sticky or something but that is not the case.

She is eating up a storm! A day at home goes like this:

6 am -- 6 oz bottle
8 am -- 5 oz baby food and 1/2 banana
10:30 am -- 4 oz bottle
1 pm -- 3 oz baby food and cheerios
3 pm -- 5 oz bottle
6 pm -- 4 oz baby food
8 pm -- 5 oz bottle

1 comment:

Karen said...

I had to laugh when Claire took the bottle out of her mouth and then, without dropping it, put it back in. Or on second thought, was I laughing at her parent's amazement and confusion? Maybe the bottle manufacture has studied this.