Saturday, November 07, 2009

We made it through the week!

Oh what a week it has been! I (Sarah) have been sick as a dog, er pig, and it has taken me a full week to recover from possibly the worst head congestion I have ever experienced. Both Brian and Claire did not get this flu nearly as bad as I had it, thank goodness. I am finally starting to get my voice back, and I can breathe through my nose again! I am less excited about getting my sense of smell back, because now I can smell Claire's dirty diapers. For a while I felt invincible during diaper changes.

Claire is back to her usual antics around the house. It's so nice to have her in good health again.
She's playing "drums" with Mommy...
Helping Daddy put away pots and pans...

Crawling around under the crib (she likes to carry something in each hand)...

pulling her toys and books off the shelves...

and making a disaster zone in her room!

Thanks to Daddy for taking care of Claire and Mommy all week! Don't know where we'd be without him. He did a fantastic job, despite being sick himself.

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