Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas in Ponca

We had a very relaxing holiday with my parents in Ponca City. Thanks Mom and Dad for hosting us! Here are highlights from our trip (in very random order):

Claire spent most of her time crawling through the coffee table; a trick her grandpa taught her and which her own father found amusing also.

When it came time to open gifts, Claire was most preoccupied with the bows.

She was all tuckered out after opening gifts on Christmas day!

One of her favorite toys was a "laptop" that played music.

Claire also spent alot of time under the kitchen table. Here she is playing with wrapping paper.

We ventured outside so Claire could see and feel the snow.

Claire enjoyed her chocolates indirectly, as in playing with the packaging.
Part of Christmas dinner was "green stuff", a pistachio pudding salad. You can tell Brian is a huge fan.

Claire helped Grandma clean up after dinner.

We got to see Auntie Jane, who came in handy with entertaining Claire.

Daddy was also good for entertainment...

Here are some of the cardinals that we saw at Grandma and Grandpa's feeders.

Claire helped us identify some of the birds.

Here she is pushing her new stroller from Santa!

More bird-watching with Daddy.

Breakfast was more exciting with the proper attire.

Claire met her 2nd cousin, Brody, and she followed him around like a puppy.

Somebody discovered floor lamps...

And clocks.

Grandma helped show Claire how to unwrap her gifts.

We hope all of you had a wonderful holiday also!


Karen said...

I have avoided mentioning how grampa Bill had thrown Brian up in the air as a baby. However, Brian knows the scary trick without me saying a thing! Oh, no!

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