Saturday, December 12, 2009

Does anybody else think this is odd?

Most of you probably know that Brian LOVES carbs and has somewhat of a finicky palate. I get questioned all the time "so what do you cook at home?" since he doesn't really eat dairy, meat, or seafood. Well I gotta say in all actuality Brian is pretty low maintenance in the mealtime arena. He can whip up a dinner for himself in one minute, leaving me free to cook what I want most of the time. For example, here he is enjoying a "burrito" that he made: flour tortilla wrapped around cheerios and corn chips.

Brian is yet to convince me that this actually tastes good. I'm under the impression that it is very dry and that I might gag on it. Anyway, as Claire continues to transition more and more towards sharing "real" meals with us, I am developing a few concerns. She and I will be eating a variety of things that Brian will not eat, and I'm worried that his diet is going to take a turn for the worse as he skips out on the prepared meals and substitutes his carb creations. Cheerio and corn chip burritos 3-4 times per week! He will be in heaven but I will be worried about his nutritional health. What I would really like is an in-home chef who can cook up two dinners every evening. Anyone want to volunteer?

1 comment:

Karen said...

Yes, I would never let my kid eat like that! Oh, wait, he is my kid. His dad and I eat so much healthier now that we don't have finicky eaters at home. Try not stocking those carb items in the house and take away his car keys.