Monday, August 30, 2010

It's been a while!

Sorry it has been such a long time since we posted on this blog. We have been super busy with our move, AND I have been majorly lazy! At least I have an excuse for this: I'm pregnant with baby number two!! I'm now almost 13 weeks along. This first trimester has been terrible in terms of fatigue and nausea, but maybe all the mayhem of moving with a toddler had something to do with that. We moved into our house on August 18th, and that same day we saw our new baby for the first time. Here's Claire and Daddy checking out the ultrasound:

Claire was probably more excited about the moving truck than she was about the baby.

EVERYTHING was wrapped in paper. It filled our sunroom!

The packing boxes filled our living room:

I'm sure our new neighbors enjoyed this sight.

We've even had our first official sit-down dinner in the house!

We've made good headway with buying furniture and organizing our belongings. There'll be pictures of the furnished home soon. In the meantime, here's some photos of us hiking in Patapsco State Park for the first time. It's a 5 minute drive from our house.

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