Sunday, September 12, 2010

The city of fountains

We learned something new last weekend. Apparently Kansas City, MO is the city of fountains, second only to Rome! I believe it too because everywhere we walked in the plaza district we could see a fountain: little ones in the walls, big ones with huge statues, some in restaurants too. Aside from visiting with family from my Dad's side, we walked the neighborhood and went to a petting zoo for Claire. There were 4 other toddlers running around (2nd cousins of Claire), so Claire had a blast hanging with the "gang". The family reunion weekend was tons of fun and way relaxing.

Claire and Elle wishing they could jump into the fountain.

It's a miracle all of them are looking at the camera!

Claire loved this goat for some reason. That's not a choke-hold. It's a bear hug!

Everybody at the petting zoo, enjoying the shade for a little bit.

Here she is with the goat again...I think it's smiling.

Claire finally gave me 2 seconds with Grandma and Grandpa to get a photo! Then she squirmed out of there and ran around in circles.

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