Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's war!

Brian couldn't have picked a more exciting time to leave home. While he has been away I have discovered that we have unwanted house guests. I came to this conclusion when I found 20 or so kit-kat candy bars in one of our basement closets -- the wrappers were all shredded to confetti-sized pieces and the candy bars were partially eaten. I supposed that it could have been Brian, attempting to hide a candy addiction, but this morning I was able to get photographic evidence of the offenders.

This is definitely war, since our chocolate is at stake! After I threw out the remainder of our halloween candy, the mice have moved onto a bag of chocolate chips. Tonight I have just set some mouse traps with chocolate chips as bait. I'm also experimenting with peanut butter. Is it sad that I am somewhat excited to see what the morning will bring?
Not all the local wildlife is residing in our walls and basement. There's a lovely great blue heron in the neighborhood that recently took a rest atop our backyard gazebo:


Karen said...

Wow, the great blue heron is beautiful on your gazebo!

Just like the poison ivy, mice were also something we had to deal with in new houses in our past. Keep putting traps until you are sure you have them all.

Kathleen Fung said...

The mouse is cute. Look at those ears! We've got rats eating our garden.