Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble Gobble. Those are the sounds that live turkeys make. Mmmm, Mmmmm. That's what it sounds like to eat a turkey. Luckily while we were eating our turkey yesterday we only heard the latter. I guess that's a testament to Sarah's ability to both cook a turkey and assure the one she bought from the store was dead before she cooked it. This was our first Thanksgiving in Maryland and with ample room in our new house we decided to host the family. Claire is really enjoying the company as we had both Grandma and Granpa Koster, Uncle Tony and Aunt Katie, Uncle Steve, Aunt Anna, and Cousin Alex. Even Grandpa Sivitz made a quick appearance a few days ago on his way to a conference in D.C. The weather was very cooperative and believe it or not, we've yet to get below freezing for the year. For now at least, we can all say the weather here in Maryland isn't nearly as bad as us former Californians thought it might be. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I could either write several thousand more words or just show you how the holidays looked. Actually each picture will have a few words attached to them, so in some sense you could say that there are 1022 words below for each picture.

Claire really enjoyed doing cheers with everybody and ran around the table doing it for 10 minutes after we were done.

Believe it or not, this is a picture of all of us sitting around the table.

Claire and Alex had their own kiddie table.

Daddy showed Alex how to do the wishbone. Alex won. We're not sure his wish came true or not, but it probably had something to do with magic, Mario, or a very long game of hide and seek.

Here is Claire with her Thanskgiving dress. The Webkin turkey is oddly eyeballing her.

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