Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas

We're finally getting the cold cold weather that we expected from our first east coast winter! Claire and I have pulled out the Christmas decorations, and we spent last weekend trimming our tree. Daddy went a little crazy buying lights for our yard. He was like a kid in a candy store at Home Depot! The end result is quite nice, I must say.

Claire helped Daddy string the lights on the tree, and she took great pleasure in "hanging" ornaments (more like setting them on the tree).

Somebody has discovered the usefulness of pockets.

We are now the proud owners of an inflatable snowman.


Karen said...

Your home looks really great with all the lights outside. Just don't back up over the candy canes when you drive out.

Esther said...

Evan got the same pillow pet. He love his "bumbum bee"!