Monday, December 13, 2010

Tummy troubles

This morning as I was connecting with friends all over the country through facebook, I was astounded to see so many status updates about stomach viruses. It must be the season! Poor little Claire has not been excluded. Friday was a TERRIBLE day of constant head-butting between me and my daughter. It was one of those days where you wonder "will we ever get through a half hour without a time-out?" Every little thing made Claire scream, and I was beginning to wonder if she was starting PMS early. But as it turns out, she was sick! I discovered this when she vomited all over her crib, clothes, and elephant doll while passionately boycotting a nap. (Screaming and jumping in her crib like it's a trampoline.) I highly suspected that the jumping had irritated her tummy, but all signs pointed to illness when a fever started that night. And then it was two days of me feeling severely guilty about Friday's lessons in discipline, while I babied Claire and medicated her much to her delight. (the kid LOVES her tylenol and motrin) Thank goodness she's fully recovered and back to being a perfect angel. Well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration.

Parenting is such a roller coaster sometimes, but I sure am enjoying the ride.

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