Pittsburgh is a wonderful city with much history. Once the center of the steel universe and still the center of the sports universe (in my opinion anyway), it was built at the intersection of 3 rivers. They start with M,A,and O. You'll have to look them up for yourself because the only one I can spell is the "Ohio". Anyway, my (Brian's) family has a lot of history there as after my great grandparents moved to the city, my grandma and grandpa stayed and raised my Dad and Uncle Josh. My Uncle and cousins still live there, so we decided that since its a mere 3 and half hour drive from our house that we'd spend New Year's there. It was a wonderful time and we Josh, Patty, Nat, Adam, Chrissy, Marcy, and Allison were wonderful hosts. We got a wonderful tour of the city, learned all about Justin Beber, and stayed up until almost 10:30pm on New Years! Here are some wonderful pictures courtesy of Aunt Patti:

Patti, Josh, and Claire overlooking the city on a cloudy but warm 57 degree day right before the Winter Classic at Heinz Field:

Uncle Josh and Claire at the farthest point from home plate at the old Forbe's field.

Josh and the Ellicott City Sivitz's still hanging at Forbe's field.

On the incline by Station Square.

Christmas tree near the Pittsburgh Plate Glass in downtown.

Claire and Josh made at fort at home. I think this was Claire's favorite part.