Monday, January 10, 2011

Cracking down and nesting

This whole "nesting" concept in relation to pregnancy is very amusing. For me, it means that I worry about getting Tyler's nursery in order but also I worry about getting all our home projects done before the baby comes. Worry worry worry. I can't actually DO any of the projects on my mental list since they require physical labor beyond my means at this point. So that's where my handy husband steps in to save the day! Nesting = Daddy working on the house. This blog entry is a huge THANK YOU to Brian. (Poor thing does not know the full extent of my nesting list.)

Fortunately Daddy has a little helper. This weekend they installed a closet organization system in the nursery.

We've got about 8 weeks before Tyler arrives! Where has the time gone? Daddy will be finishing up the nursery while I...get bigger and bigger. I'm also planning Claire's second birthday party. You can expect a post on that at the end of the month.

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