Sunday, October 02, 2011

An exception for donuts

Brian and I are bagel people.  We've made our daughter a bagel girl.  On weekends, Claire wakes up and sees that Brian is not running off to work, and she says "Daddy I want bagel!"  They hop in the car and make a bagel run.  Claire easily polishes off a blueberry bagel on the ride home. 

Maybe it was a family thing, or a tradition thing, but I grew up eating donuts by the dozen in Oklahoma.  It was the indulgent breakfast item of choice.  (I don't think I even knew bagels existed!)  I made the switch to bagels sometime during college.   The major swaying factor being the cream cheese, but whatever, nowadays I don't even HAVE to have the shmear.  Although it is preferred.  Of course.

Aaaanyway, today we made an exception and had donuts.  Not just any cider donuts!  We stopped at a pumpkin farm and apple orchard on our drive back from Sesame Place.  After admiring all the farm animals, doing the corn maze, and gawking at all things pumpkin, we just had to see what the long line at concessions was for.  I have to say, those donuts were spectacular!  Claire gobbled hers down lickety-split and declared "I like it Mommy!"  She washed it down with cider, saying that she liked it also.  I'm awfully glad it's only the first weekend of October.  We have many more opportunities to hit up other cider mills and farms in the area.  : )

Tyler lounged in the stroller, hidden in warm layers.

The goats have a huge jungle gym that they can climb up and walk on. 


Our favorites were the itty bitty goats!

Here is a crazy conveyer belt feeding system for the goats at the top of the jungle gym.

Couldn't resist a snap shot of these piggy bottoms...

Claire's attempt at acting like a chicken:

I was so relieved when they made it out of the corn maze.  It was alot bigger than I had expected!

Mmm donuts!

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