Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween block party

We love our neighborhood.  You couldn't ask for more friendly folks, and there are always little kids out playing in the cul-de-sacs every day.  One of our favorite annual events is the halloween block party, which was held last weekend (thankfully) before the snow and ice struck yesterday.  Claire stuck next to her best bud Cameron most of the time.  Tyler had no choice but to tag along with his big sister -- not cool, but the other babies didn't judge him. 

Getting good photos of these guys is impossible! Here they are checking out an older kid's "scary" ghost costume.

 Then they decided to hang onto their hats for some reason?

Tyler just gave up and started picking grass.

This is the best shot I could get of our two! (Tyler is sullenly tearing up a leaf.)

Here's the whole lot of them:

Tyler spent some time all by himself in the bounce house.

And here's Claire giving me a cursory flash of teeth on our way to the party:

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