Friday, December 23, 2011


Jolly old St. Nick visited our house last night, much to Claire's delight.  It seems he knew we were going to be out of town for christmas!  What a smart guy.  This morning when I announced this to Claire as she was reading stories in her bedroom, her mouth literally dropped open and all she could say was "WHAT?"  Then she went running out of her room, giggling and hyperventilating, down the stairs to the pile of presents in the living room.  After playing with their new toys all morning, we finally went to see Santa Claus at the shopping mall so the kids could tell him thanks for all the toys.  I think Santa was confused about what Claire was blabbering on about (she really did get chocolate ice cream toys and she was awfully appreciative).  I know he doesn't look very cheery in the photo, but this Santa was actually really friendly and spent a good bit of time chatting with Claire.  It was great!  Correction:  It was great for Claire.  Tyler was pretty much in shock during the whole experience, as you can tell from his deer-in-headlights expression.

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