Monday, January 02, 2012

Christmas in Oklahoma

I'm not going to lie and say it's easy to drive an hour in traffic to the airport, fly 3 1/2 hours, and then drive 2 hours with two young children.  However, I sure am glad we did it!  Tyler and Claire were actually pretty good during all the travelling, and they had such a fun time with my family once we got to Ponca City.  We arrived late christmas eve, so we had to hustle and get the kids situated and in bed.  In the morning, Claire was still in such a daze she could do nothing but stare at the christmas tree.  No wild and crazy shrieking, whooping or hollering.  Just standing there quietly and contemplating things.

Mind you, this was at 8 in the morning.  That's sleeping in for her!  Things got underway and before long Claire was back to her energetic self.  We made a proper mess of the house as we opened gifts.

Surrounded by new objects that he had not yet slobbered on, Tyler was in heaven.

Grandma Becky surprised everyone when she whipped out an accordian from her bedroom closet and started playing it.  Santa had given Claire a mini accordian.  What a coincidence!

We had fun visiting with my brothers and sister, as well as cousins galore.  The real celebrities though were Papa Mike and Grandma Becky! 

One of Claire's favorite daily activities was feeding the birds with Papa Mike.

Yes, the kids got a castle from Santa.  No, it's not structurally sound and the big bad wolf could make easy work of it with a sneeze.  But the kids loved it and Claire spent a good chunk of time coloring it.

We couldn't bring home some of the gifts (like the castle) in our luggage, on account of heft.  This turns out to be a good thing because Papa and Grandma are planning a road trip out our way so they can deliver the toys.  Another opportunity to get spoiled, yay! 

We hope you and yours were spoiled for the holidays too.

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