Saturday, January 28, 2012

10 months old

Tyler is quickly approaching his 1st birthday!  (I've got birthdays on my mind since Claire just had her 3rd birthday party today.  More on that later.)  Why does his babyhood have to go by so quickly?  To make matters worse, he's decided to start walking.  For me, that sort of signifies the end of babyhood.  Sigh.  But on the other hand I am so proud of him!  Can you tell I have mixed feelings about all of this?

Here is what he has been up to:

One of Tyler's great loves is our dishwasher.  If the door is open he HAS to sprint over and yank out the rack.  Pretty good work for such a little guy.

Another one of his loves is the vacuum cleaner.  He helps push the canister all over the house.  He waves happily as he does it.

Ah, the piano.  Tyler cannot get enough of the piano.  Instant smiles whenever we sit down to play.

He can walk independently, but apparently it is much more fun to push anything and everything around the house.

I love bath time with Tyler!  It's a party!

It's difficult to get pictures of Tyler walking, since he just makes a beeline for the camera.

He does seem to be naturally drawn to anything with wheels, which is different from his sister.  Balls too!  The kid seems to have already figured out how to play catch.

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